This Old Guy reviews: Mortal Kombat 11

This Old Guy’s first video game console was a Magnavox Odyssey and his first computer an Apple IIe. Last five games purchased: Mortal Kombat 11 (PS4), Anthem (PC), Civ VI DLC Rising Storm (PC), Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4), Dragon Quest XI (PS4).

Do you like fighting games?

I’m not the first person to express admiration for the tutorial system for Mortal Kombat 11, or to believe that this infamously messy franchise is left in a fun place by the close of the story mode.

Before buying, the game’s gore gave me pause, just for a second. I shouldn’t have worried. Despite amazingly realistic modeling, the designers are not trying to scare or seriously creep anyone out. The goal is the squick, the oh no they didn’t! moments. Those are in abundance. Yay?

I’m not sure if anyone called out the beautiful way the game managed the download and installation process. The file was big, but on my PS4, as chunks of code downloaded, pieces of functionality became available. The game also gave me a guess as to when other stuff would became available. Download and installation practically by definition is a miserable process, but instead of feeling impatient, I felt engaged. Magical UX design, only possible when your management, testing, creative and technology teams collaborate.

More good stuff when it comes to the game structure and the art of labeling. Of the four main menu options, the labels Kustomize and Learn are distinct and transparent; I guessed right away what kinds of content and functionality I would find. Konquer and Fight were a little less intuitive, but all the labels are supplemented by help text. Once you’ve explored the game a little, everything at this level makes plenty of sense.

I’m reserving judgement on the Krypt and the weapon/augment/upgrade dynamic until I’ve invested more hours into the game, but right now the augment drops are very rare and the overall game impact minimal. Crafting is a mortal pain in the ass, mostly because you can’t look up recipes while standing at the forge. I like all these systems in theory, but hoo boy are they grinding-intensive! The UI in this area could use help, but if you’re the kind of person interested in refining your character, you’re hooked. You’ll figure it out.

Old guy topline takeaway? Beneath the buckets of blood, the flensed torsos, extruded intestines and BRUTALITY! is a game that cares about the people playing. Once again: do you like fighting games? If you do, this old guy says the game is worth the purchase price.

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